
Demystifying the Colonoscopy: What Should I Expect?
Dread. Fear. Embarrassment. These are emotions so commonly associated with colonoscopy. But why? Like a local legend involving cryptoids or haunted houses, the anxiety over having a colonoscopy has taken on a life of its own, growing in size and hyperbole like a...

Colon Cancer Rates Are Rising in Younger People
A new report released by the American Cancer Society in March 2023 shows that a diagnosis of colorectal cancer is shifting to a younger population, and the cancer is often later-stage. Of people that are newly diagnosed, 20% are under the age of 55. In addition,...

Colorectal Cancer: Survival Rates of Early Detection
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and the Center for Digestive Health is raising awareness about the importance of colorectal health. Colorectal Cancer is the third most common cancer in the US, with over 150,000 people expected to be diagnosed in 2023. However, with proper screening beginning at age 45, it is one of the most curable forms of cancer. Early detection and treatment remain critical to survivability, with early detection due to screening reducing the incidence of Colorectal Cancer by 89% and carrying a 91% survivability rate. Despite this, too many Americans are not following recommended health and wellness regimens regarding their colorectal health.

Demystifying the Colonoscopy: What Should I Expect?
Dread. Fear. Embarrassment. These are emotions so commonly associated with colonoscopy. But why? Like a local legend involving cryptoids or haunted houses, the anxiety over having a colonoscopy has taken on a life of its own, growing in size and hyperbole like a...

Colon Cancer Rates Are Rising in Younger People
A new report released by the American Cancer Society in March 2023 shows that a diagnosis of colorectal cancer is shifting to a younger population, and the cancer is often later-stage. Of people that are newly diagnosed, 20% are under the age of 55. In addition,...

How to tell if your stomach is not digesting food
Do you have a creeping suspicion that your stomach is not digesting your food normally? There could be several different reasons for this, including poor diet, lack of physical activity or an underlying medical condition affecting your digestive process. If you think...

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Who Should be Tested and How Often?
With March being Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, the Center for Digestive Health is providing people with helpful insight regarding colorectal health, including understanding colonoscopies, who should be screened and why, Colorectal Cancer risk and treatment, and...

Colon Cancer Rates Are Rising in Younger People
A new report released by the American Cancer Society in March 2023 shows that a diagnosis of colorectal cancer is shifting to a younger population, and the cancer is often later-stage. Of people that are newly diagnosed, 20% are under the age of 55. In addition,...

Colorectal Cancer: Survival Rates of Early Detection
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and the Center for Digestive Health is raising awareness about the importance of colorectal health. Colorectal Cancer is the third most common cancer in the US, with over 150,000 people expected to be diagnosed in 2023. However, with proper screening beginning at age 45, it is one of the most curable forms of cancer. Early detection and treatment remain critical to survivability, with early detection due to screening reducing the incidence of Colorectal Cancer by 89% and carrying a 91% survivability rate. Despite this, too many Americans are not following recommended health and wellness regimens regarding their colorectal health.

Demystifying the Colonoscopy: What Should I Expect?
Dread. Fear. Embarrassment. These are emotions so commonly associated with colonoscopy. But why? Like a local legend involving cryptoids or haunted houses, the anxiety over having a colonoscopy has taken on a life of its own, growing in size and hyperbole like a...

Colon Cancer Rates Are Rising in Younger People
A new report released by the American Cancer Society in March 2023 shows that a diagnosis of colorectal cancer is shifting to a younger population, and the cancer is often later-stage. Of people that are newly diagnosed, 20% are under the age of 55. In addition,...

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Who Should be Tested and How Often?
With March being Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, the Center for Digestive Health is providing people with helpful insight regarding colorectal health, including understanding colonoscopies, who should be screened and why, Colorectal Cancer risk and treatment, and...

What does a gastroparesis bowel movement look like, and should I be concerned?
Gastroparesis is a condition that affects the stomach. It’s sometimes also referred to as “delayed...
Does drinking water after you eat help or hinder your digestion?
Drinking water is good for you. It’s that simple. About 60% of our bodies are made up of water,...
3 slightly off symptoms that you should actually see a digestive doctor for
Digestive doctors are experts at diagnosing and treating digestive conditions that may be causing...
Is it worth it to see a GI doctor for a colonoscopy?
Colonoscopies are integral procedures that can play a part in saving someone’s life. They should...
How to speed up digestion when you feel bloated
Bloating is a physical sensation that may feel tight, uncomfortable, and even painful around your...
Is a bleeding rectum a sign of food intolerance?
Food intolerance is a term for when your body has a tougher time digesting certain foods than...
Centers for digestive disease offer comprehensive digestive care
A center for digestive disease is a type of medical care clinic. These clinics offer services...
What procedures does a gastroenterologist perform?
A gastroenterologist is a type of medical professional who is qualified to perform treatments and...
Does a digestive specialist treat food allergies?
A food allergy is a type of allergic reaction that occurs when an individual eats a certain type...
Colonoscopy doctor vs. colonoscopy in a box: Pros and cons
A colonoscopy is a type of minimally invasive surgical procedure intended to check the condition...
3 questions to ask your gastro specialist during your first visit
A gastrointestinal specialist is someone with extensive medical knowledge of the gastrointestinal...
How to read liver echogenicity: Everything you need to know
If your health care provider or gastrointestinal specialist suspects you have an issue with the...