Food intolerance is a term for when your body has a tougher time digesting certain foods than others. Some reactions may be mild, while others may be very intense. Whether a food intolerance presents itself as a risk to a patient is for a gastrointestinal specialist to confirm. Some general symptoms of food intolerance include bloating, stomach cramping, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. 

Can a bleeding rectum be a sign of an intolerance to a certain food?

A bleeding rectum is a symptom of an underlying issue with the gastrointestinal system. It can certainly indicate food intolerance in some cases, but this may not be applicable in every case. Some instances of bleeding can be due to more serious conditions like colorectal cancer, where there may be blood present in the stool. However, these are extreme cases, and many instances of bleeding may not have to do with cancer. A bleeding rectum is often caused by an anal fissure, which is a tear in the anus from abnormally large or hard stools. Large and hard stools are often associated with constipation, which can be another symptom of food intolerance. When your body can not appropriately break down and process a certain food, you may be prone to constipation, which can lead to a fissure and, subsequently, blood coming from the bottom.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Center for Digestive Health with any further questions!

Still wondering what other things you should know about digestive health services? Are you not sure why you might need care, or maybe you are looking for more information or have other digestive health questions? Please don’t wait to reach out to one of our team members for help. Our team of GI specialists has the training and experience to answer any questions you may have. They can also help you find the most effective treatments for your conditions and for common GI issues.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.