Does a digestive specialist treat food allergies?

A food allergy is a type of allergic reaction that occurs when an individual eats a certain type of food. Symptoms may include swelling, the development of hives or rashes, and even itchiness. Food allergies which are also referred to as food sensitivities, may get worse over time, subside over time or stay the same. Food allergies can sometimes be life threatening at their worst, and uncomfortable at best. 

Some types of food allergies can be dealt with by a digestive specialist. Digestive specialists are medical professionals with extensive expertise in dealing with digestive and gastrointestinal disorders. They can help identify gastrointestinal issues like celiac disease and food intolerances and then come up with a personalized treatment plan to help you manage symptoms for improved quality of life.

What can a digestive specialist do for food allergies?

  • Perform testing to determine specific food allergies — Digestive specialists can run blood tests just like a general practitioner. These blood tests are conducted with the purpose of determining which foods may cause your body to negatively react. They can help diagnose patients with food allergies and formally confirm which foods or ingredients in foods may be dangerous to consume.
  • Educate you on what foods cause adverse reactions — They are a great resource for those who need information about what causes food allergies, how to deal with them, and how you can live more comfortably by avoiding foods that cause adverse reactions.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Center for Digestive Health with any further questions about meeting with a digestive specialist

Still wondering what other things you should know about digestive health services? Are you not sure why you might need care, or maybe you are looking for more information or have other digestive health questions? Please don’t wait to reach out to one of our team members for help. Our team of GI specialists has the training and experience to answer any questions you may have. They can also help you find the most effective treatments for your conditions and for common GI issues.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.  

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