Rectal bleeding is a symptom that can be attributed to a variety of conditions. It can be simply described as the occurrence of bleeding from the rectum or the presence of blood in the stool. Most often, the causes of rectal bleeding may be isolated and aren’t a major cause of concern. Conditions like constipation, anal fissures and hard stools typically aren’t any major cause for concern when they are isolated incidents. To learn more in depth about when you should start to seek extra care and attention for your rectal bleeding, keep reading.

When is rectal bleeding cause for concern?

  • You experience very heavy bleeding.
  • Your stool is dark or bloody.
  • It causes you serious pain.
  • You experience frequent rectal bleeding.

Why should you be concerned?

  • Colorectal cancer — In the early stages, one of the only symptoms that might indicate the presence of colorectal cancer is blood in the stool. If you see blood in your stool or repeatedly experience rectal bleeding, the cause may be serious. It’s always a good idea to get this checked out by a specialist. 
  • IBS — The cause of a bleeding rectum may not only be due to colorectal cancer. It can be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition where the intestinal tract can become severely inflamed and painful. This condition is often chronic, meaning it affects individuals throughout their lifetimes, but it can be managed with care.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Center for Digestive Health with any further questions!

Still wondering what other things you should know about digestive health services? Are you not sure why you might need care, or maybe you are looking for more information or have other digestive health questions? Please don’t wait to reach out to one of our team members for help. Our team of GI specialists has the training and experience to answer any questions you may have. They can also help you find the most effective treatments for your conditions and for common GI issues.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.